Crime rates in America have risen sharply during the second half of the twentieth century.
In 1960, there were 1,620 property crimes and 160 violent crimes per 100,000 persons.
In 1997, there were 4,312 property crimes and 611 violent crimes per 100,000 persons.
This surge in crime has profoundly changed America. In thousands of communities, large and small, crime has eroded the quality of life, it has shaken our trust in each other, and it has compromised our belief in the American Dream.
The epidemic of crime in America today is not an accident of fate. It has identifiable causes and realistic solutions.
Crime-Free America is dedicated to returning crime rates in America back to pre-1960 levels. "Crime Forum" goes beyond the local headlines to discuss the causes of crime and the effectiveness of various crime control strategies. "Crime Watch" features stories of crimes, criminals, and our criminal justice system. Finally, "Crime Data" provides Americans with direct links to official crime statistics and facts.
Crime-Free America believes that America can and must turn back the clock on crime. The best legacy we can leave for our children and grandchildren is a country free of crime and fear.